Summer Vaca: Part 1

Phew, now that the excitement of the summer's over I can finally share our SUPER AMAZING summer vacation! Every year we go on a family camping trip to Gunstock Mountain Resort in New Hampshire. There's 10-12 of us that go and stay for 4 days. That means 3 sites with 4 tents. It's more of a compound actually. It's not quite glamping but it's up there, we bring a mini fridge, 2 grills and always keep the bar stocked (this year the drink menu was based on rum, hence the reason for the mint plant).
Even though the weather was a little chilly and wet we still had a kick ass weekend. We found a great farm stand, Beans and Greens Farm for fresh produce and other local items such as marinades and fresh meats even. LOVED this place! Feeding the barnyard animals, strolling the gardens and swinging on the porch, we did it all. The produce was beautiful and the marinades were yummy. A great place to bring the kids!
New to Gunstock's calendar this year was Mountain top Yoga and it was FANTASTIC! I was able to hit the top of the mountain before the scenic lift rides started, feeling like I had the entire mountain all to myself. The session moved at a beginners pace with room to explore your comfort level. Mats were provided and it only cost $20 (chair lift included). WHAT! After breathing, meditating and stretching with the view of Lake Winnipesaukee I enjoyed a peaceful ride back down the mountain. The ferns were vibrant and the flowers were in full bloom all was right in the world!
Another new to Gunstock was the mountain coaster. I'm sad to say there are no pictures to share with you BUT it was pretty cool!
Some of our camping luxuries were: beer batter pancakes with fresh blueberries from the ridge and a build your own Sundae bar with all the fixings! Each year we add to the menu. We hardly have the traditional camp food. If you have any suggestions or recipes you think we should try please leave a comment!
***New favorite brand: Schmidt's Natural Deodorant. Smells great and works great! I hate deodorant, the thought of it grosses me out. I've used homemade deodorant and loved it but always had to keep it in the fridge. Being outdoors in the summer sun for a few days I actually smelled amazing! Huge fan!